Doctor Breaks Down Ben Askren Flying Knee Knockout and Fencing ...

Lyticlesionsoftheskullincludeawiderangeofdiseases,rangingfrombenignconditionssuchasarachnoidgranulationsorvascularlacunae,toaggressive ...,Grossexaminationofthecalvarium,whichwasremovedatautopsy,revealedextensivepunched-outlesions.Aradiographicim...。參考影片的文章的如下:


Spectrum of lytic lesions of the skull

Lytic lesions of the skull include a wide range of diseases, ranging from benign conditions such as arachnoid granulations or vascular lacunae, to aggressive ...

Punched-out Skull | Infectious Diseases

Gross examination of the calvarium, which was removed at autopsy, revealed extensive punched-out lesions. A radiographic image of the removed calvarium ...

“Punched out” multiple myeloma lytic lesions in the skull

The plasma cells neoplasia affects the bones—including the skull—leading to extensive skeletal destruction due to osteolytic lesions and osteopenia, with ...


Punched-out lesions of the skull in elderly patients with inherited anemia.

“Punched-Out” Lesions of the Calvarium

A SKULL ROENTGENOGRAM demonstrating “punched-out” lesions of the calvarium is usually associated with the diagnosis of a number of malignant or systemic disorders (1). The disorders that most frequently come to mind are metastatic carcinoma or multi

Lytic skull lesion | Radiology Reference Article

Lytic skull lesions have a relatively wide differential that can be narrowed, by considering if there are more than one lesion and whether the mandible is ... Lückenschädel skull · Multiple myeloma · Arachnoid granulation · Mel torme

Raindrop skull | Radiology Reference Article

The raindrop skull appearance of calvarial multiple myeloma is the presence of multiple, well-defined lytic lesions (punched out lesions) of various size ...

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如果有本書叫「醫學生必考100題」,這題應該會被收錄其中: Multiple myeloma with punch-out lesion。典型到看到圖的瞬間就有答案了,根本不用看題目敘述。

Punched-out lesions in skull

The maxillofacial lesions are more common in the posterior region of the mandible, manifesting as odontalgia, paresthesia, dental mobility, gingival hemorrhage, ...

Punched out skull lesion

Langerhans'cellhistiocytosis (LCH) (Histiocytosis X) is a rare disease of unknown cause characterized by oligoclonal proliferation of Langerhans cells. It ...


Lyticlesionsoftheskullincludeawiderangeofdiseases,rangingfrombenignconditionssuchasarachnoidgranulationsorvascularlacunae,toaggressive ...,Grossexaminationofthecalvarium,whichwasremovedatautopsy,revealedextensivepunched-outlesions.Aradiographicimageoftheremovedcalvarium ...,Theplasmacellsneoplasiaaffectsthebones—includingtheskull—leadingtoextensiveskeletaldestructionduetoosteolyticlesionsandos...